Thursday, May 17, 2012

Seaweed Addiction

Before I thought seaweed paper was only for sushi....

...Until I had roasted seaweed paper! It's quite's like Lay's potato chips 'betcha can't eat just one'

My bf's folks brought some back from Korea for me, now I have tons of it in my freezer!

I like the little packaged ones, where you just open & eat it up..only flaw is you can end up eating more than a bag..maybe 2, 3, or 4?!

Anyways his folks gave me the big sheets of seaweed. Its all gravy...I just take out my cutting board & cleaver to make my own packaging by storing them in mini ziploc bags.
** don't forget to store them in the freezer...I guess to keep it fresh?! Who knows, haha I just followed their instructions**

One of my next mission is spam musubi! I've never had it with furikake seasoning. Curious to try it on something else besides sprinkling on rice *ding *ding (lightbulb lights up) I got a banh mi idea in my mind! Looks like I got to round up the troops for another tasting ^_^

Right now japanese shrimp tempura is on my can I turn it into a yummy banh mi?!? think.think.think.
Ahhh my semi eating healthy lifestyle is contaminating my thoughts -_-

bread(carbs)+ fried food+ greasy spread= bad eating
Crispy baguette+shrimp tempura+delicious seasonings=party in your mouth

Hmm it's ok I'll just have my guinea pigs eat them for me...jk....they're welcome to eat at their own risk ^_^

I was lazy & also craving seaweed~
So I fried some eggs, rice & rolled it up with the seaweed...BAM! There you go egg sushi ~
I decided to pack up the extras for lunch! Oh Gosh I can't wait to see the look on my coworker's face.. They gave a funky stare to my spam musubis last time...I wonder what they're thinking now...oh well...yummy in my tummy,best of all cheap ass lunch!

They say seaweed paper is good for you but I'm not sure what's the info for the roasted ones -_-
It's kinda greasy with sprinkled salt.
Blah...I guess I'll google it later...

As for now, I'll keep eating them...I'm pretty sure it's healthier than a bag of potato chips?! :p

Seaweed away~

Later gators,

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