and that mission FAILED!
Tonight is also daylight savings...what to do with my extra hour... I shall blog hahahah
lets go back 12 hours from now...
I was going to attend the Korean Festival today, but laziness and low funds changed my mind..good thing I didn't go, bc it RAINED!!!
So I spent the lovely day being "STUCK" with my bf... we ate lunch at HK market and what do you know it was pouring cats and we were 'stuck' inside of HK..crazy how things have changed over a decade...I remembered it was all nice when I use to spend my summers there working for my aunt when it first opened. On the next shopping trip was 'stuck' there because my genius boyfriend threw away our receipt, that we needed to exit the store. While waiting for him to retrieve a new receipt, my thinking skills came on...also keeping me sane from choking his ass..
Since I didn't go to K-Fest..Korean BBQ was on mind..ground beef is cheaper than the fancy rib eye cuts or short I came up with a ground beef banh mi..with a korean flavor twist..
I must say, this is one of my favorite banh mi I made. Its cheap, simple, and delicious!
I will need a little more tweaking though.My pickles were left over ingredients from my previous banh mi fling, and the bread was not french bread. I bought the bollos(sp) from Heb.Looks like french bread, but softer..wasn't so bad. Can't wait to share with my friends my 'Ko-fusion on the cheap banh mi'
later gaters,
Ko-fusion ground beef |
spicy pickled kimchi carrots & daikons |
I present you 'ko-fusion on the cheap' |
Hey BMG! This really looks delicious! I wish there was a scratch and sniff for the internet. You're on to something!!!